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Checking Up On Your Current University Application

It’s about that time for rising seniors to decide the next steps regarding their futures. In the uncertain period that we’re currently in, the uncertainty of where and what to study in higher education can add even more complexity. With the UAE being such a transitional place, for those choosing to study out of the country can be a tough decision. For those staying in the country, it could be easier to adapt to online classes in an environment where you are settled. The first thing to do is to stay updated on any possible changes in your universities’ admittance policies. Some universities are making standardized tests like the SAT and ACT optional. Being aware of everything going on around your university career is important. Make it a habit to check your future universities’ website often, subscribe to their social media channels and stay in touch with admittance counselors. Many schools are on track to

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Preparing For Studying Abroad

The road to education is a winding road to new opportunities, meaningful connections, a wider perspective and hopefully the opportunity to travel. In the more globalized world we live in, we also have an abundance of new opportunities available to us. One of the newer paths we have now is our access to digital databases of thousands of universities across the globe. No longer is it feasible to just study in a different city, or stay home for college, now more than ever, students have the real opportunity to travel the world while learning about their passions. Here are 7 great reasons you should consider studying abroad: Making new friends and widening your global network Open the possibilities to new careers The chance to learn a new language Better education standards abroad Experience a new culture The challenge of adapting to a new environment Become independent & transition into adulthood For those who are already

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Writing The Best Possible Personal Statement Letter For University Admission

Summarizing your life, your experiences thus far and your goals moving forward is no easy feat. Especially doing it in a manner that catches college recruiters eyes and is a brief, accurate reflection of you can leave some applicants scratching their heads. The key to writing a fighting personal statement is being transparent first and foremost. Recognizing that even your setbacks are a part of your story is a great way to get more ideas. Embracing the fullness of your life in all dimensions is a powerful tool when looking to get into an institute where learning is the priority. Expressing that you have learned, and will continue to learn, from your environment and your lessons is a fantastic way to prove that you will be an asset to a universities’ community. Show your range in terms of your interests and be honest about what you value. Not only is a university meant to enrich

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments