Everywhere we go in this modern world, commerce and business surrounds us. Though we may not take the time to analyze it, every aspect that keeps the world running is a reflection of business. In its truest simplicity, business is a balance of needs and wants. People’s desires and needs are met by the infrastructure of the marketplace. Looking at the wide variety of opportunities, it can be a little overwhelming glancing at the market as a fresh graduate.
When looking at the areas of business, the ultimate aim of business is ownership. The financial freedom that owning your own operation comes with is priceless. Knowing where you fit in, based on your strengths and area of interest, is vital in taking the right steps to a successful and happy career in business.
Here’s a quick brief on the sections of businesses. Depending on your major, you can find which one is the best fit for you. The comforting thing is that these structures work along all industries, regardless of which one you join.
At the top is general management, the department oversees decision making of other sub-sections.
Marketing: This sector deals with identifying customer needs and figuring out the right way to present products and services.
Operations: This sector deals with the day-to-day dealings within the business, whatever must happen to keep everything in motion. Accounting would fall under this sub-category.
Finance: This sector deals with cash flow in and out of the business, possible investments and moving money around to make sure everything rolls smoothly.
Sales: This sector deals with the selling and proper presentation of whatever a business has to offer.
Human Resources: This sector deals with making sure people on staff are taken care of, even outside of the workplace. They would handle insurance and even pensions for career people.
Purchase: This sector deals with the acquisition of resources and infrastructure needed to keep the business working.
Depending on your likes and wherever you’d feel like you’re the best fit. Don’t feel like a decision is the ultimate one, you can always move around and find where you’d find longevity.
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