Even though it’s been drilled in our heads from parents, teachers and loved ones from an early age, it’s still completely normal to question why schooling is so important. Everything we do should have a reason, and is our reason for going to school just to hang out with friends and enjoy art and phys ed classes? School does serve value, as we’ve seen the true communal aspect of it taken away during the COVID pandemic. Looking through history, we come to realize quickly that school has held different points of value through different times. During the 19th century, schools were used mainly as centers to preserve national identity amongst student bodies. During the 20th century, as the world began to shift towards globalization, curriculums became more about exploring other cultures and countries. In the 21st century, the first generation in which education is truly a necessity and no longer a luxury worldwide, the focus became on making students as well rounded as possible. All throughout, the system has been designed to keep students as competitive with their peers as possible. And as time has progressed, your peer group has grown substantially as well.

As information has become more accessible through the likes of the internet, the idea of what type of person an ideal curriculum should build comes into question once again. Looking at a student as a graduate then backtracking what it took for them to get there is a great way to build the system that would foster this potential student. As we shift again post distance learning, perhaps this is a wake-up on what to focus on as we transition back into in person learning. Here are 4 great pillars to build the future of education upon moving forward.

Health & Wellness
We’ve seen that kids need to be healthy to be as happy and efficient as possible. Setting the foundation early on that health is true wealth, and building the necessary habits to back this, is vital.

Real World Experiences
Only so much can be learned through the creases of a book or on the markings of a blackboard. Integrating learning with the real world is vital in showing how important knowing certain skills are. After building a baseline of skills and knowledge during your schooling years, what you know is often trumped by who you know in the long run.

Character Building
Placing an emphasis on ethical skill building and overall growth and development should be a key function of schooling as well. These are taught in context to schooling now, but building habitual knowledge of “success skills” will work wonders.

The practical application of knowledge is so important to human development and growth. After a simple understanding of reading, writing and arithmetic, students can build upon these to become well-rounded contributors to society. Giving ample opportunities for students to try their hand at different tasks will give them the confidence and trust in the value of schooling.