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Preparing a Strong Late University Application

Attending university is a significant milestone for everyone, and rightfully so. While many students follow a traditional timeline of applying beforehand and keeping in the requirements ready for submission, some of us, due to many unprecedented reasons or circumstances, find themselves needing to submit the applications later than planned. Whether you decided late in the game, faced unexpected circumstances, or simply missed initial deadlines, it's crucial to know that a strong late university application is still within your reach. Here’s how you can make your application stand out, even if you're a bit behind the curve. Stay Calm and Get Organized First and foremost, take a deep breath. Stressing out will only hinder your productivity. Start by making a checklist of everything you need to complete. Break down the tasks into smaller, manageable steps, such as gathering documents, writing essays, and requesting letters of recommendation. Use a calendar or planner to set specific deadlines for

By |August 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Everything to Keep in Mind for Fall ‘24 Applications

As the Fall 2024 application deadlines approach, students are readily gearing up to apply for universities, colleges and programs. This process can be both exciting and overwhelming, as the majority of the students applying would have graduated straight from high school. To alleviate some of the stress caused by this rather daunting ride, careful planning and preparation can make it a smoother process. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the application process and increase your chances of acceptance. #1 Research Early Start your research early to identify the programs and institutions that best align with your academic interests and personal goals. You must begin researching early and thoroughly to consider factors such as location, campus culture, faculty, resources, internship opportunities, research, and more, which will directly help you in making better decisions. Make a list of your top choices and keep backup options ready just in case. #2 Understand the Application Requirements

By |June 3rd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Benefits of Applying Early to Universities

We know how stressful the process of applying to colleges can be, with handling the different deadlines of each college, evaluating their pros and cons, identifying the most suitable ones, and more. It is a crucial phase in a student’s life, a turning point that shapes their academic and professional future. One strategic approach to alleviate some of this stress is by applying to these colleges earlier. Enhancing Your Chances One of the primary advantages of applying early to universities is the increased likelihood of gaining admission. As may be obvious, many institutions follow a rolling admission process, which means that they review applications as they are received. By submitting your application early, you gain an advantage by being at the forefront of the admissions queue where the competition is relatively low. This significantly enhances your chances of acceptance, especially in prestigious colleges and universities where the competition is fierce. Financial Aid Opportunities Although it

By |April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Are you planning to apply to institutions in the United Arab Emirates?

Are you a high school student planning to apply to institutions in the United Arab Emirates? Do you want to know what it's like to be a part of a vibrant, supportive community once you arrive? Take a look at the Student Community! This incredible social network will let you connect with other students, providing unlimited chances for learning, growth, and enjoyment. Continue reading to learn how becoming a part of a Student Community can enhance your university experience! One of the most crucial components of academic life is community building. It gives people a sense of belonging and support, which can improve their mental health and academic achievement. It is critical to develop shared ideals and goals, to be inclusive, and to academically support one another in order to build a healthy community. Joining groups and organizations can also provide opportunities to explore new interests, build skills, and meet new people. Here are some

By |April 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Approximate Cost of Studying at a University in UK

This article is based on the one posted by Times Higher Education. How much does it cost to study in the United Kingdom? If you want to study in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or Wales, one of the most crucial factors to consider is how much everything will cost. This indispensable guide breaks down the costs of every area of university life to ensure that you are well prepared. Tuition Fees Tuition rates in the United Kingdom vary based on your native country. English institutions can charge up to £9,250 per year for an undergraduate degree for home students. For lecture-based undergraduate degrees, overseas students should expect to spend between £10,000 and £26,000 each year. An undergraduate medical degree may cost up to £58,600 per year for international students. There are also many grants and scholarships available to the home and/or EU students but international students are not eligible for many of them. Living Costs

By |October 29th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

It’s hard to say that we got anything good out of the pandemic, perhaps it can be insensitive to those who lost their livelihoods due to the economy crashing or lost someone who suffered at the hands of coronavirus. But it would also be incorrect to assume that we didn’t gain anything at all out of those days at staying at home for the longest hours (which is still something some nations go through). The pandemic left us at marvel at how much technology has advanced and started to take over most of our daily activities- online learning is one of them. What none of us ever saw coming, was shifting our entire education online and still managing to succeed through it! Well to make that even better, the option to learn a lot online still exists, and even cheaper now than before. It is a greatly practical approach to expand your knowledge and skillset

By |June 21st, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Simple Guide To English Proficiency Tests

International students applying to universities in different countries should be aware of the English level it takes to pursue your education. In order to gain admission, you must have proof of your English proficiency. There are several different ways and governing bodies to go through to get this certification. Your options when looking into this exam are wide, but being prepared of what to expect is valuable in getting admission into the school of your dreams. TOEFL The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is arguably the best-known and most commonly used English proficiency test in the world. Along with the IELTS, it is one of the two tests that are usually accepted by a wide variety of American universities. The TOEFL was designed to test knowledge of English as applicable to a university setting. There are 2 formats currently at your disposal; both the internet test and the physical paper test that

Making A Career In Business

Everywhere we go in this modern world, commerce and business surrounds us. Though we may not take the time to analyze it, every aspect that keeps the world running is a reflection of business. In its truest simplicity, business is a balance of needs and wants. People’s desires and needs are met by the infrastructure of the marketplace. Looking at the wide variety of opportunities, it can be a little overwhelming glancing at the market as a fresh graduate. When looking at the areas of business, the ultimate aim of business is ownership. The financial freedom that owning your own operation comes with is priceless. Knowing where you fit in, based on your strengths and area of interest, is vital in taking the right steps to a successful and happy career in business. Here’s a quick brief on the sections of businesses. Depending on your major, you can find which one is the best fit

By |June 15th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The Real Value In Schooling

Even though it’s been drilled in our heads from parents, teachers and loved ones from an early age, it’s still completely normal to question why schooling is so important. Everything we do should have a reason, and is our reason for going to school just to hang out with friends and enjoy art and phys ed classes? School does serve value, as we’ve seen the true communal aspect of it taken away during the COVID pandemic. Looking through history, we come to realize quickly that school has held different points of value through different times. During the 19th century, schools were used mainly as centers to preserve national identity amongst student bodies. During the 20th century, as the world began to shift towards globalization, curriculums became more about exploring other cultures and countries. In the 21st century, the first generation in which education is truly a necessity and no longer a luxury worldwide, the focus

By |April 26th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Making A Career In Computer Science

Although the name may seem intimidating to some students, the study of computer science is vast and accounts for a lot of different tasks that allow our world to run efficiently with the use of technology. By definition. Computer science is a broad field that allows you to organize, develop and utilize data in a variety of systems related to computing systems. The field has a great reputation with the advent of technology recently and the need for knowledgeable people in the world of IT and computers. Computer science are all careers related to the study and use of computers and data. Regardless of focus, many computer science careers involve the use of algorithms, which are high-powered problem solving computations. Algorithms allow us to store, transmute and share data across networks, to and from people across the world. With an education background in computer science you shouldn’t expect that the entirety of your day will

By |April 12th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Find A Way To Solve Societal Problems With This Free Course

From global hunger to climate control issues, there are a myriad of societal issues that plague us as a people. What if practical solutions to these problems could be solved in a matter of months? “Solving Public Problems” is a 12- week course focused on changing the way we lead and govern people. It’s an extension of a course taught by Beth Simone Noveck at New York University. The course represents a push towards making information more public and accessible to the masses. The course hones in on specific problems that are faced by fragmented populations of people, and gradually zooms out on larger, macro problems we all face. School programs that focus on entrepreneurship often look at analyzing data, leadership and organizational planning. This course offers a chance to learn these skills and apply it in a humanitarian manner. Being able to solve the problems that people of today face is vital to building

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Practical Steps To Becoming A Pharmacist

Pharmacy is a fulfilling career path for those looking to help out the needy. From working behind the glass at a local pharmacy to helping patients with their medicine at a hospital, pharmacists have a very crucial role in helping out the quality of people’s lives. There are many necessary steps to earning the white coat, the core of which revolve around many years of schooling. At the start is recognizing why you are pursuing the path of pharmacy. Even though the career is one in which you are well compensated, having a commitment to the betterment of the public will fuel you with the right spirit to overcome the challenges you will face along your path. Having a solid foundation in secondary school/ high school of math, science, physics and chemistry will help you properly prepare for the next step. Having good communication skills, both written and verbally, will help you navigate in the

By |February 21st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Now More Than Ever We Need Arts Education. Here’s Why.

Perhaps the subject of study that allows the most freedom and flexibility are within the arts. With the rigid standards set by the global pandemic on typical learning practices, the youth of today need education in the field of arts more than ever. The freedom that arts allows for self-expression are surely necessary for students who want to evoke their true feelings during these very uncertain times. With the advent of technology as well, today’s kids are more walled in and isolated than ever before. Social scientists and psychologists alike are recording higher numbers of depression and anxiety from the young students of today. Music, drawing, dance, film and other art mediums allow versatility in expression of one’s emotions and a productive medium to build skills and confidence in themselves. Arts programs within school also allow students to learn under proper tutelage to pursue their passions and move themselves forward in life. It comes on

By |January 14th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Can You Guess What The Most Difficult Major Is? The Answer May Surprise You

When looking at our university career, it is a means to an end. At the end of our study, we should have gained the skills to perform in the workplace and hopefully built the network to get a foot in the door. While deciding your major can seem like a daunting task, there is obviously room for flexibility. And should you need to do so, you can always change it. The initial question, without external pressure, is what do you hope to accomplish with what you learn. How do you hope to use your knowledge to leave your personal mark on the world? With this all in mind, choosing the right major comes down to the decision of what you want to do. All students are individuals and some are better suited to certain disciplines than others. There are some majors that based upon surveys are considered more challenging than others. As the saying goes,

How To Choose A Major You Love

Going into your first year of school can be a really tough adjustment. Not only are you adapting to an entirely new learning environment, making new friends and getting used to your classes, but your peering at the finish line already. What lies for you at the end of your university career can be an unsettling thought. However, find comfort in the journey and the fact that many of your fellow peers are equally unsure of what lies at the end. Taking the right steps to ensure that you go into higher education with the right amount of preparedness and self awareness is very important. What you’ll be spending your time studying is just as important. The first step to deciding a major that you’ll love is self-analysis. Taking the time to reflect on what classes you were excited to take and what subjects interested you is key. With that reflection comes insight on what

By |August 5th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments